Our Story of Grace

Grace Church in Aledo Texas

At Grace Church Aledo, we're not just a congregation of people.

We’re a family. Our story is one of grace, authenticity, and a deep desire to create a safe haven for those seeking more than just a church—it's a place to find acceptance, healing, and a genuine connection with God and others.

Grace Church in Aledo Texas

The Heart of Our Community

We understand the struggle of feeling like you need to wear a mask, to put on a facade of perfection. It's a heavy burden to carry, always wondering if you'll be accepted for who you truly are. But here, in the heart of our community, we believe that God's grace covers all imperfections. We're all on a journey, and we walk that path together.

Real People, Real Struggles

We're real people, just like you, experiencing real hurts and struggles. Our team brings diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expertise grounded in a shared faith in Jesus Christ. We know what it's like to face rejection for our beliefs, to wrestle with doubts, and to question our worth. But we've also discovered the transformative power of God's love and grace.

We exist to make disciples and plant churches by delighting in the Trinity, cultivating deep friendships, and evangelizing boldlybecause we all need Jesus.

Grace Church in Aledo Texas

A Culture of Acceptance

Grace Church Aledo is not a place of judgment; it's a haven of acceptance. We've worked hard to build a culture of honesty, empathy, and grace. It's okay not to be okay here because we believe that true healing begins when you can honestly expose your imperfections and find the support to move past them.

Our journey is to guide you to grace.  We've been where you are and are here to help you navigate life's challenges with faith, love, and hope.

  • "Before joining our church, our son faced significant challenges, including opposition and experiences that no one should have to endure. The support from our church community, especially through spiritual disciplines and gifts, has been incredibly uplifting. We've found hope in knowing that God has a hand on our son and that he is wonderfully and perfectly made. This reassurance has strengthened our faith and reminded us that he matters deeply to both God and our church."

    The Nevels Family

  • "When we got married in 2020, we had no community and weren't actively pursuing the Lord. Moving to Aledo, we met Pastor Matt, who invited us to Grace Church Aledo. We joined and got plugged into a community group, which was new for us. Over the past year and a half, it has completely transformed our marriage and our lives. We've gone from having no community and little desire to pursue the Lord to being deeply connected and supported. Adding a child to our family, we've found Grace Church to be the perfect place for us, offering us friendships, support, and accountability. We're incredibly grateful for our community at Grace."

    The Goughs Family

  • "Before joining Grace Church Aledo, I struggled with living a life focused on worldly desires. Raised in a Christian household, I had head knowledge of Christ but lacked true heart change. During my senior year of college, I experienced a powerful moment of repentance that transformed my faith. After years of delayed obedience, I felt convicted to be baptized as a believer. My husband Colton and I visited Grace Church in February with no intention of staying, but the Holy Spirit moved us. The intentionality and love of the community were unlike anything we had experienced before. We joined in the summer and became part of a life-changing community group. In October, I was baptized, feeling truly at home in our church. We're incredibly grateful for Grace Church Aledo and excited to see how God continues to move through this community."


  • "Before coming to Grace Church Aledo, I wasn't raised in the church and had a lot of skepticism about faith. In the spring, I was baptized, and it has been incredible to see God's glory and goodness in my life since then. With the encouragement of my community group and pastors, I invited my parents to my baptism, which sparked sweet conversations about faith. Growing in this community has been a blessing, providing me with supportive relationships that lead me closer to the Lord. My baptism wasn't an immediate awakening, but over time, I have felt God's love and goodness grow in me. I'm excited to see where He continues to lead me through Grace Aledo."


Your Journey Starts Here

Whether you're exploring faith for the first time or seeking a fresh start, we invite you to join us. We're here to walk alongside you as you discover the abundant grace and love of Christ. Your journey starts here at Grace Church Aledo, where you'll find a place to belong, a community to grow with, and a God who accepts you as you are.