Family Friendly Church in Aledo Texas

Grace Youth Mission

Grace Youth is a ministry to the family partnering with parents in the journey of our youth’s discipleship. We do this by equipping our parents in gospel-centered parenting, incorporating family worship into our gatherings, and monthly Youth gatherings.


Our parents will be equipped through teaching, modeling, and resources to shepherd their teenager’s hearts as they grow into a mature believer.


Our students will be discipled in all spiritual disciplines to grow in their faith while creating deep friendships with their peers and leaders. This will primarily happen through the teaching/ reading of God’s word on Sunday, and gatherings throughout the month. 


Our leaders will build meaningful relationships with the students. They will come alongside the parents to be mature godly examples to our students. 

Family Friendly Church in Aledo Texas
  • It is crucial that our youth be integrated into the church body as a whole. This includes serving the body. Youth will be encouraged to join our Sunday morning serve teams, and bless Grace and lead as the Lord has gifted them.

  • Periodic outreaches will also be scheduled to give students the opportunity to be on mission together. The purpose of Grace Youth Missions is to introduce people to the saving grace of Jesus.

  • There are 4 main purposes for Grace Youth events.

    1) To saturate students at Grace with Biblical truth and answer their questions about the Faith

    2) To help students at Grace build friendships in meaningful and fun contexts.

    3) To give students and adult leaders chances to lead and take ministerial responsibilities.

    4) To create a front door for new youth (and their families) to come into the life of Grace Church.

Our hope is for students to meet Jesus, grow in Christlikeness, and become Bible-saturated leaders. Discipling students to develop a faith of their own in Jesus Christ is the goal of our ministry.